How we operate
At SpaceCoffee, project-based work is the main form of activity. From the start, experimenting with the Club’s meetings’ form and execution of simple assignments, like learning the basics of working with and programming simple, Arduino-based devices, and completing work for contests and competitions, members of SC paved their way to complex projects—first of which is the MPER (Multi-Purpose Exploration Rover).
The SpaceCoffee circle team consists of more than 12 active members with all sorts of knowledge and interests. Our members are interested in electronics, programming, 3D printing, graphics, schematic design, space design, but also astronomy, physics and even sound engineering. Variations in the interests of those members of the Club lead to ideas for really interesting and multidisciplinary projects, it also shows that practically everyone will find a place for themselves, with support to develop their passions.
Statute of Students’ Science Club SpaceCoffee
Attachment no. 1 to the Statute of Students’ Science Club SpaceCoffee
The origin of SpaceCoffee
SpaceCoffee operates as a Students’ Science Club at the Silesian University of Technology. The Club begun work at the Academic High School of Silesian University in Gliwice, started in 2021 by a group of then-first-grade students. With endless ambition and enthusiasm, but limited resources, they set out on their way, taking up various competitions, most prominent of which was the 2022 edition of ESERO’s CanSat. With time, more ideas were created and project modules took off, where members of SC choose the role and work they desire to fulfill in the Club.