Tytuł: Sample collection and containment system for a compact planetary exploration rover
Autorzy: Maja Rudnicka, Michał Lasak, Igor Puchała, Piotr Bartosz, Dominik Bereta, Dariusz Myszor
Konferencja: International Students Scientific Conference TalentDetector2024_Summer
The purpose of this research is to develop an exploration rover to use in Earth and
Martian-like environments, which requires the development of a sample collection system for soil,
rock and atmosphere. Along with that system, a corresponding sample containment method has to be
developed, in order to preserve the materials which are being brought back.
A rover with a drilling module with a compartment container part, holding the total capacity of 5
isolated samples, was designed and implemented. A weighing module for immediate post-collection
sample test was added, as well as pH, temperature and humidity sensors for the soil. For atmosphere
examination, sensors of pressure, temperature, humidity and CO2 concentration were employed, with
plans of future development and new sensory modules addition.
Cytat: Rudnicka, M., Lasak, M., Puchała, I., Bartosz, P., Bereta, D., & Myszor, D. (2024, June). Sample collection and containment system for a compact planetary exploration rover. International Students Scientific Conference TalentDetector2024_Summer: 417-422
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